Let’s see a show of hands. How many of you think that we ought to have to show a photo identification when we arrive at the polling booth to cast our sacred ballot? Apparently, the Republicans and Democrats in our state’s Legislature are going to quibble over this bill again at the upcoming 2009 session. This debate seems to divide the Legislature right down partisan lines. Republicans say that this is necessary to prevent voter fraud and non-citizens from voting. Democrats contend that it is discriminatory toward the lower class and minorities, and that fraudulent voting is not that serious of a problem. Here’s the question I find asking myself: “Why not?” Why shouldn’t you have to show a photo ID when you vote? I am a young person, who has paid little attention to the world of politics, and I was actually surprised to find out that you did not have to. I mean, you have to show a photo ID to do just about everything else in this society. Is there less responsibility involved in voting than, say, renting a movie at Blockbuster?
Some say that having to produce such identification is discriminatory against lower income citizens and minorities, arguing that for this group of people, it can be difficult to obtain. I am finding it hard to buy into this reasoning. While it may be a bit more difficult for some to make the trip to the DPS and dish out the 15 bucks it costs to get a photo ID, I find it hard to believe that it really is beyond someone’s means. If all else fails, Capitol Metro is always there to take care of any transportation issues one might have (if you can get to the polling booth, then you can get to the DPS). I cannot think of any good reasons why a responsible adult, who is a citizen, would not be carrying a photo ID. You absolutely have to possess one to function in society. It sounds to me like something people say when they don’t want to put forth the effort to do something.
Then there is the argument that the bill discriminates against minorities? Someone is going to have to explain this one to me. This is outright ridiculousness! Why on earth is this argument targeting minorities? What is it about minorities that makes it hard to get a photo…. oh wait a minute… oh no, they didn’t. Are they…? No… They’re not suggesting that illegal aliens should be able to cast a ballot, are they?? Of course they are. And they are admitting to that as soon as they make the argument that having to show a photo ID discriminates against minorities. I had no idea that you could put your foot in your mouth BEFORE you opened it. To me, it seems quite evident that the Democrats in the Texas Legislature are attacking this bill to secure votes for their party. By arguing that voter fraud is not that big of a deal, so we ought to let it slide without taking corrective measures is flat out irresponsible. It seems like those who stand by this line of reasoning are willing to sacrifice the integrity of an election for votes for their party's candidates.